Sales Enablement

Sales Enablement:
Focus on the Activities - Not Only the Results

Assemblage offers sales leadership and support for go-to-market strategies in the B2C and B2B sales channels. By leveraging a brand’s existing clients, strategic partners and digital tools – we lead our clients to more forecastable revenue streams and profitable operations. 

Think of a strategic engagement with Assemblage as retaining a “Managing Director for hire”. This is not about a consultant relationship where there is only a recommended strategy. Rather, you will work with senior executives that will be side by side with you to execute the defined business goals. Our ultimate goal is to ensure all products, processes, and people are working towards the same objectives and key results. 

It’s not rocket science, but it is an unrelenting discipline. 

Sales Enablement for businesses that desire more robust growth

We can tailor our solutions to your sales channel and product strategy needs. Whether you are traditional brick and mortar, only digital or in an omni-channel environment, we have strategic insights to create sustainable top line growth.

Business Objectives

With clear objectives of revenue goals by channel by product or service from existing or new clients, we can craft a plan for executing towards sustainable growth.

Key Reports

Clear objectives lead to “clear” reports. The data needs to be reviewed weekly (if not daily) and able to be dynamically refreshed to rid of the data gathering requirements of static spreadsheets.

Demand Generation

How is your business acquiring customers? In analog or digital channels or both? What is the right % of top line revenue to invest in new customers? We will collaborate with your team to ensure there is the rigth balance in new vs. existing business.

Recurring Revenue

DTC businesses have the opportunity to focus on the “rundle” model. Let’s discuss how a precise sales channel approach can dramatically increase the accuracy of revenue forecasting.

Dynamic Campaigns

Sales and marketing campaigns need to be driven by dynamic reports based on customer behavior. Let us help you realize this value that can be unlocked for your and your team.

An Automated Approach

Campaign execution without you or your team having to “touch the dial”. The ROI potential here is notable – for existing businesses and startups. 

Incentives Alignment

One of the most important facets of sales success is ensuring incentives for both the customer and your team are aligned to your goals. Keep them tight with clear cut in tiers and stretch goals.

Its All About Analytics

In the end, we can have qualitative or quantitive conversations about the state of your business. While that first is a nicety, the second is critical and needs to be focused on without compromise.

Business Goal to Sales Strategies

The Assemblage team can help you and your team focus your goals for greater productivity in each fiscal period. 

Sales Goals by Channel and Team Member

Are sales goals and incentive compensation clear and at arms length? Are budget to actual metrics reviewed at least twice per month? We have the templates to ensure the activities match up to the results.

Inventory Optimization and Capital deployment

How much capital is being deployed to the supply side of the business vs. demand generation. If this is out of balance, the results can be crippling. 

Sales Campaign Management

Which campaigns are driving revenue volume and value? Can you clearly correlate sales activities to a higher AoV in your opportunities in the different sales channels? If this is a grey area, you need to consider a CRM that is integrated to all marketing and sales activities. Assemblage can assist…

Systems- Integrations

We are here to collaborate, not to delegate.